FEMA’s updates to the hazard mitigation planning regulations focus on four areas to identify: 1) climate change impacts on identified hazards, 2) location of socially vulnerable populations, 3) hazard-specific impacts on socially vulnerable populations, 4) location of underserved communities.
The survey is intended to inform the reader of the 4 hazards posing the greatest threat to the City of Rosemead. There are specific questions relating to your perceptions relating to climate change impacts on the identified hazards. Also, the survey provides information about the 16 social factors that are considered when calculating social vulnerability.
Following is a brief summary the impact of hazards on socially vulnerable populations:
Rosemead has a diverse population that includes several vulnerable groups, such as elderly residents, low-income families, non-English speakers, and disabled individuals. The elderly population in Rosemead, many of whom live alone or in retirement communities, are particularly vulnerable during emergencies due to mobility issues and potential isolation. Low-income families in the city may lack the resources to adequately prepare for or recover from a disaster, such as securing emergency supplies or making necessary housing repairs. Non-English speakers, primarily immigrants of Asian (notably Chinese and Vietnamese) and Hispanic descent, face language barriers that can impede their access to crucial information and services during an emergency. Additionally, individuals with physical, sensory, or cognitive disabilities face added challenges in evacuating and accessing emergency services.
In recognition of the number of Rosemead residents who use English as a second language or are non-English speaking, the survey is also available in Chinese, Vietnamese, and Spanish. The City’s website has all four languages posted for the survey, project flyer, and Planning Process Overview Video.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your submission will enter you into a raffle!

Question Title

* 1.
Do you (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 2.
What is your age group?

Question Title

* 3.
If a large earthquake were to strike tomorrow...

Question Title

* 4.
How prepared is your household for a natural hazard (for example, wildfire, flood, earthquake) on a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being not prepared and 5 being very prepared?

1 3 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 5.
The County of Los Angeles All Hazards Mitigation Plan has identified a range of natural hazards posing a threat to the county. Select the natural hazard that concerns you the most?

Question Title

* 6.
What steps has your household taken to Mitigate against natural hazards? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 7.
According to FEMA’s Guide for Expanding Mitigation: Making the Connection to Equity, social vulnerability is defined as the potential for loss within an individual or social group. The term recognizes that some traits influence an individual’s or group’s resilience. This is their ability to prepare, respond, cope or recover from an event. Please select if you fall into any of the following groups.

Question Title

* 8.
Choose the ways you prefer to seek information about how to make your home and neighborhood more resistant to hazards?

Question Title

* 9.
Please provide any additional comments or insight below into how local natural hazards should be mitigated.

Question Title

* 10.
If you have any questions or additional information you would like to share regarding local natural hazards, we invite you to provide your information. This survey and your comments are completely confidential.

Question Title

* 11.
If you would like to stay up to date on future hazard mitigation and/or
emergency management efforts in the City, we invite you to provide your email address.

100% of survey complete.