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The Aiken County Planning Commission is preparing an update to the Aiken County Comprehensive Plan. The plan provides a framework for how the County will change, through public and private investment, in the next two decades. The plan is long-range and seeks to address the county’s future needs for housing, economic development, recreation and cultural resources, and transportation facilities. The plan seeks to balance the desire for growth and development with protection and preservation of the county’s unique natural resources. Community input in the planning process is vital. The Planning Commission would appreciate your answers to the following questions.

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* 3. Please tell us more about your answers to questions 1 and 2.

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* 4. The growth rate discussed previously has an impact on services, quality of life, employment, and housing. What do you think has been, and will be, the most important impact of population growth on Aiken County?

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* 5. How can the following institutions or groups be better prepared for the population increases anticipated over the next decade?

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* 6. Please rank the following issue areas according to their importance with 1 being most important and 10 being least important:

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* 7. Please tell why you selected your first, second, and third issue.

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* 8. Thank you for your answers and participation in the survey. Please use the space below to provide any additional concerns or information you believe will be useful to the Aiken County Planning Commission as they update the county’s comprehensive plan.

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* 11. Your zip code

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* 12. Your age

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* 13. Number of persons in your household

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