Please help me out! I really need to have as many kids ages 13-18 complete this quick and annonomous survey by June 7th as possible! Please share the link with anyone else you know (ages 13-18) who live anywhere! Thank you, Emma.

Question Title

* 1. Have you ever posted something on social media or sent a text (picture, comment, information) that you have regretted afterwards?

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* 2. If you answered "Yes" to question #1, WHY did you regret it? Choose as many answers that apply.

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* 3. How often do you think about the consequences of your post or text?

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* 4. Do possible consequences from school, parents, coaches, peers, future employers and colleges prevent you from posting/texting things?

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* 5. What, if any, consequences have you had from posting or texting something?  Choose all answers that apply.

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* 6. Do you think it's okay for a college not to accept you because of something you have posted, emailed, or texted before entering their college?

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* 7. Do you think employers really care and/or research what you did in high school or college and posted on social media?

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* 8. If you have been accepted to a college (you have paid your deposit and plan to attend), do you think it would be right for the college to take away your acceptance if they found out you posted something inappropriate on social media?

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* 9. If you have ever posted or texted something others would say is "inappropriate" (picture, comment, information), WHY did you  do it?  Choose all that apply.