Tell us about yourself and your time at the Huggies Experts Lounge and stand a chance to WIN an exclusive Huggies hamper. Your details are used for marketing purposes only. 

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* 2. Please provide us with your information:

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* 3. Please tick all of the statements that apply to you:

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* 4. Where did you find out about the talk?  Please choose one or more options.

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* 5. Please rate the following:

  Poor Below Average Average Good Excellent
The speaker
The information provided
The relevance of the talk, to you
Your overall experience at the Experts Lounge

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* 6. Are you interested in coming back to the Huggies Experts Lounge, at the next MamaMagic expo?

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* 7. What are the top 3 benefits you look for when choosing a disposable nappy: