Question Title

* 1. What grades are your children in?

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* 2. Which devices do your children have access to at home?

Question Title

* 3. Do you know how to use the privacy/security settings on each of these devices?

Question Title

* 4. On average how many hours do you think your children spend using any or all of these devices on a weekday?

Question Title

* 5. On average how many hours do you spend using any or all of these devices on a weekday?

Question Title

* 6. On average how many hours do you think your children spend using any or all of these devices on a weekend?

Question Title

* 7. On average how many hours do you spend using any or all of these devices on a weekend?

Question Title

* 8. Which social networking sites or apps do your children access?

Question Title

* 9. How confident are in  understanding the privacy settings that should be set on these social networks and in teaching your children about these?

Question Title

* 10. Do you use any filtering or monitoring software on any of your child/children's devices?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have access to your child/children's passwords for their social networking sites?

Question Title

* 12. Do you follow or are you friends with your child/children on their social networking accounts?

Question Title

* 13. How often do you check your child/children's social networking accounts?

Question Title

* 14. Does your child/children have access to technology in their bedrooms?

Question Title

* 15. Do you place limits on your child's/children's access to technology or the amount of screen time they are allowed?

Question Title

* 16. Do you discuss the safe use of technology with your child/children? 

Question Title

* 17. How confident do you feel in discussing the following safety risks with your child/children?

  Extremely Confident  Very Confident  Somewhat Confident  Not so Confident  Not at all Confident 
Identity Theft 

Question Title

* 18. How confident are you in managing your child's/children's online interactions

Question Title

* 19. Which statement best represents the impact that technology has had on your child/children’s sleep?

Question Title

* 20. Which statement best represents the impact that technology has had on your child/children’s relationships with friends

Question Title

* 21. Which statement best represents the impact that technology has had on your relationship with your child/children?

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* 22. Where do you go to get advice about the safe use of technology? (tick all that apply)

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* 23. Cyberbullying is..... (select all that apply)

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* 24. To your knowledge have any of your children been cyberbullied ?

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* 25. To your knowledge have any of your children ever cyberbullied another child? 

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* 26. If you answered yes to Question 25 or 26 was the incident reported to the school? 

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* 27. If the incident wasn't reported to the school, why not? 

Question Title

* 28. How often do you think cyberbullying happens? 

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* 29. If there was an online reporting system at school where students could anonymously report incidents of cyberbullying how helpful do you think this would be? 

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* 30. What role do you think the school should play in preventing and managing incidents of cyberbullying?

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* 31. What role do you think parents should play in preventing and managing incidents of cyberbullying?

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* 32. What strategies (if any) have you found to be effective in managing your child's technology use? 

Question Title

* 33. If information sessions and workshops were hosted by the College on Cyber Safety how likely would you be to attend?

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* 34. Please provide any other additional feedback in the space below