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* 1. Required Contact Information

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* 2. What is your primary habit personality?

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* 3. What is one hack that can help you work with your habit personality instead of against it?

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* 4. Write an identity assimilation statement that you would like to work on adhering to:

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* 5. On a scale of 1-10 how important do you think mental wellness is in regards to your health and fitness journey?

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* 6. Type one big goal that you have:

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* 7. Type 3 mini goals that can lead you to achieve the big goal you typed above:

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* 8. Name one person in your life who you will ask to be an accountability partner for a goal of yours:

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* 9. Name the 7 P's:

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* 10. Can you recall a mistake you made with your health and fitness journey? How did you learn from it?