1. Crown Hill Center Playground Project

Crown Hill Center is the community center that occupies the former Crown Hill Elementary School building located on NW 95th Street between 13th and 14th Avenues NW which was recently purchased by local non-profit, Small Faces.

In order to benefit the community, Crown Hill Center opens its playground on nights and weekends to community members.

We have recently completed Stage 1 of our playground remodel: installing a new elementary age climber.

Please note: The Crown Hill Center Playground Project is not the same as the new Crown Hill Park being planned by the city of Seattle.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this anonymous survey so that we can be sure that Crown Hill Center playground reflects the interests of the Crown Hill community.

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* 1. Will you, your children or someone you know use the new elementary age climber on evenings and weekends?

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* 2. Future stages of the playground include: a fenced pathway to the new park, a new pre-school climber, permanent sound and water elements, removal of asphalt and planting of native plants. With this in mind, do you feel that the new playground is meeting a need of the Crown Hill Community?

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* 3. Would you like to volunteer time or expertise to our playground remodel?

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* 4. Would you like more information on the businesses and community opportunities at the Crown Hill Center?