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Dear participant,
The survey will help us determine the extent to which rheumatology healthcare professionals need support in career advancement, particularly as it relates to global equity. We encourage rheumatology healthcare professionals currently in practice or training to complete this survey. The survey takes only 5 minutes to complete, and all responses will be completely anonymous. By pressing the next button, you agree and give permission for us to use your anonymous responses for medical education and research purposes.
Thank you!
For any queries, please contact

Question Title

* As a rheumatologist/rheumatology healthcare professional, have you ever suffered some kind of gender discrimination (i.e. unequal or disadvantageous treatment) OR experienced one of the situations below, that you consider to be related to your gender?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always
Not getting a promotion
Not hired by a medical organization
Not hired by an academic institution
Not receiving a research grant
Not being groomed for a leadership position
Not getting a leadership position for which I applied
Receiving lower remuneration to perform the same work
Being asked to take care of tasks that are below my level of expertise (usually time-consuming and non-intellectual tasks)
Co-worker’s behavior creating a hostile or intimidating environment without a sexual connotation

Question Title

* Please tell us if you have personally experienced gender discrimination (i.e., unequal or disadvantageous treatment) from colleagues or others during your professional career. 

  Never Rarely Sometimes  Often  Always
Yes, from older colleagues
Yes, from younger colleagues
Yes, from nurses
Yes, from patients
Yes, from administrators
Yes, from secretaries 
Yes, from students
Yes, from others in the working environment

Question Title

* Please tell us if you have personally experienced sexual harassment (i.e., unwanted behavior of a sexual nature) from colleagues or others during your professional career.

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often  Always
Yes, from older colleagues
Yes, from younger colleagues
Yes, from nurses
Yes, from patients
Yes, from administrators
Yes, from secretaries
yes, from students
Yes, from others in the working environment

Question Title

* Have you ever personally experienced sexual harassment during your career?

Question Title

* Have you ever felt bullied at work?

Question Title

* Please tell us about the nature of bullying.