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* 1. Did you respond to RCCC's first survey, conducted last month?

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* 2. If you did not respond to RCCC's first survey, please choose the main reason below

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* 3. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, since the end of March, have you undertaken any of the following actions (please tick all that apply)

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* 4. Tracking the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on your business, can you please advise the percentage of increase or decrease in employment and turnover during the month ending 31 March

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* 5. Tracking the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on your business, can you please advise the percentage increase or decrease in employment and turnover levels for the month ending 30 April

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* 6. Tracking the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on your business, can you please advise the percentage increase or decrease in employment and turnover levels you expect for the month ending 31 May