Slut Shaming Survey

Slut shaming is the act of criticizing a person for real or presumed sexual activity, or for behaving in ways that someone thinks are associated with real or presumed sexual activity.

Historically, this was thought to mostly impact women and girls. We now know that it impacts people across the gender spectrum.

Slut Shaming plays an important role in "Rape Culture".

NOTE: The information gathered in this survey will be used for training presentations, blogs, books, vlogs and other forms of community education. We will maintain total confidentiality in any and all identifying information gathered here.

Question Title

* 1. Tell me about your experience with slut shaming:

Question Title

* 2. If you are comfortable,  tell me about slut shaming someone else:

Question Title

* 3. Would you consider being interviewed?  If Yes,  enter your email address.