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* 1. How long have you lived in Henfield Parish?

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* 2. Which age bracket do you fall into?

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* 3. Were you aware of Henfield Parish Council's funding of the Henfield Helpline?

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* 4. Are you aware of how to join a Parish Council meeting?

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* 5. Are you aware of our new website

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* 6. Are you aware of Henfield Parish Council's presence on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter?

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* 7. Henfield thrives on community involvement. Would you be interested in?

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* 8. What would be your vision for Henfield in the next 10 years?

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* 9. If you could, what one thing would you change in Henfield?

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* 10. Finally, do you think Henfield Parish Council provide a good service for your money?