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* 1. Do you feel your dues provide value to our neighborhood?

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* 2. How well do you think the current board is handling issues in the valley?

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* 3. Do you feel the current board is focused and organized in its mission?

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* 4. Is their mission clear and concise?

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* 5. What is their mission?

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* 6. If you have sent an email to any department have you received a response?

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* 7. Are you aware of a repair or maintenance issue that has been overlooked?

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* 8. Do you use any of the amenities funded by the current special assessment that is set to expire in June 2023? (Currently we pay Approximately $12/mo special assessment in our dues and is allocated as follows: $4 is earmarked for our parks which cannot be recouped through usage fees. $5 goes toward the Community Center operations, including recreation center employee positions. $2 goes toward the pools. $1 Misc.)

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* 9. Which amenities do you use?

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* 10. Would you be willing to pay an additional fee to use these amenities on top of your monthly dues payment? (Pay per use) As noted in #7 above: We currently pay approximately $12 a month in our dues for these amenities and that expires in June 2023. (Example: Not pay the $12 but pay for each use)

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* 11. How would you rate Sudden Valley roads?

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* 12. Do you think SV should have bought the Sunmark property for 1.5 Million?

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* 13. Do you think the SV Membership should have been consulted and been allowed to vote on the Sunmark property purchase for 1.5 Million?

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* 14. Do you think SV should have removed the Community Cupboard? (This was where people in need came to get groceries and was shut down by the board this year)

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* 15. Overall Comments: (Please feel free to comment)