The Sixth Day Exercise. June 27, 2015 Question Title * 1. I experienced Jesus Christ through the means of grace this week. Bad Week Somewhat Improving Good Week Scripture Scripture Bad Week Scripture Somewhat Scripture Improving Scripture Good Week Prayer Prayer Bad Week Prayer Somewhat Prayer Improving Prayer Good Week Fasting Fasting Bad Week Fasting Somewhat Fasting Improving Fasting Good Week Worship Worship Bad Week Worship Somewhat Worship Improving Worship Good Week Fellowship Fellowship Bad Week Fellowship Somewhat Fellowship Improving Fellowship Good Week Service Service Bad Week Service Somewhat Service Improving Service Good Week Reflection (optional) Question Title * 2. I walked in the power of the Holy Spirit, becoming more: (check all that apply) Loving Joyful Peaceful Patient Kind Gentle Faith-filled Generous Self Controlled Reflection (optional) Question Title * 3. I loved others as Jesus loved me this week. Bad Week Somewhat Improving Good Week At Home At Home Bad Week At Home Somewhat At Home Improving At Home Good Week With Friends & Neighbors With Friends & Neighbors Bad Week With Friends & Neighbors Somewhat With Friends & Neighbors Improving With Friends & Neighbors Good Week With those in need With those in need Bad Week With those in need Somewhat With those in need Improving With those in need Good Week At work At work Bad Week At work Somewhat At work Improving At work Good Week With Strangers With Strangers Bad Week With Strangers Somewhat With Strangers Improving With Strangers Good Week Reflection (optional) Question Title * 4. I engaged in sins that kept me from freedom. (check all that apply) Anger Pride Sexual Immorality Greed Overeating (gluttony) Laziness Drunkenness Gossip Envy/Jealousy Vanity (appearance management) Lying/Deception Unforgiveness Reflection (optional) Question Title * 5. Are you male or female? Female Male Question Title * 6. Age <18 18 - 29 30 - 44 45 - 59 60+ Question Title * 7. I participated in the Daily Text Fasting Challenge this week. Yes No Reflection (optional) Question Title * 8. My "Day Job" (what I make a living doing) involves . . . Working in a Local Church Working in another Christian Ministry Context Working in another vocational context (i.e. stay at home parent, banker, farmer, lawyer, etc.) I am retired from a Formal Day Job. Comment Optional Done