Dear ISPOR members, 

ISPOR is preparing to respond to a call for consultation by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) on its recent document “EMA Regulatory Science to 2025” on behalf of our membership. This Strategic Reflection document is a plan for advancing EMA's engagement with regulatory science over the next five to ten years, covering both human and veterinary medicines.  Many of the human medicine strategies, where we will focus our response, are relevant to health economics and outcomes research, patient involvement, and/or real-world data.

As you answer the questionnaire, it may be helpful to have additional detail about EMA’s strategic goals; the following summary of their goals includes information about the underlying actions that accompany their core recommendations and may be informative:

Summary of Strategic Goals, Core Recommendations, and Underlying Actions

The full EMA document can be found here.

We appreciate your reply by May 14.

Thank you for your engagement with this response.