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Thank you in advance for your time and feedback

As the membership body for the world's leading investors in infrastructure and advisors to the sector, we need your help to ensure we represent your interests and those of our growing membership in the most effective way we can.

This five-minute survey enables you to tell us what you think about the following:
  • your overall impressions of GIIA and our support for our members and the sector
  • your awareness of, and interest in the benefits and activities that we provide
  • how well we are delivering on our priorities and what you think we should be doing in future

Your input is hugely helpful. It will help us to determine GIIA’s future activities so we can provide the greatest possible value to our members.

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* 1. Which member company do you work for?

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* 2. Which option best describes your role?

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* 3. GIIA uses several channels through which we keep members up to date. How effective do you rate each of them for keeping you informed about GIIA’s activities and industry developments?

  Very effective Effective Somewhat effective Not effective I rarely or never use
GIIA website
Monthly email newsletter
X (formerly Twitter)
GIIA's podcast, 'Talking Global Infrastructure'

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* 4. Over the last year GIIA has organised a range of member receptions, roundtables and conferences in Berlin, Brussels, New York, Toronto, Washington D.C. and London.

If you’ve attended one or more of our events, how would you rate them in terms of content and networking?

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* 5. If GIIA were to run more events, which core topics would you like to see covered, and in which locations? Please provide brief details below.

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* 6. GIIA’s Emerging Leaders in Infrastructure Investment (ELII) network provides quarterly events in London, hosted by GIIA member companies, for individuals in their early careers to network with peers across the sector, and learn through talks by expert speakers.

If you are based in either New York or Toronto, to what extent would you, your peers or your organisation be interested in GIIA organising a calendar of similar events in these cities?

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* 7. What themes and topics would you most like to see GIIA cover through its various activities over the coming year? Choose those most relevant to you.

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* 8. Beyond the core markets on which GIIA focuses (European Union, north America, UK, Australia), which other regions would you most like to see covered by our programme of activities?

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* 9. GIIA runs regional policy Working Groups (UK, US, EU, Australia) to enable members to directly input into GIIA's policy and advocacy work.

GIIA also runs Working Groups for experts within the membership to share best practice and knowledge on Sustainability / ESG, Global Tax, and Communications and Reputation.

Please rate the effectiveness of the Working Groups in which you are involved:

  Highly effective Effective Somewhat effective Not effective Not involved
UK Policy
US Policy
EU Policy
Australia Policy
Global Tax
Communications and Reputation

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* 10. If you would like more information about any of our Working Groups, or have ideas on how they can be more effective, please leave your email address below and we will get in touch.

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* 11. Through our own communication channels and working with the media, GIIA seeks to promote and defend the benefits of private investment in infrastructure. To what extent are we effective in doing this?

To what extent do you agree with the following statements?

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* 12. GIIA has engaged directly with you or your organisation and has effectively represented your company’s interests.

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* 13. GIIA has demonstrated an effective level of influence on infrastructure-related policy with governments in key markets.

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* 14. GIIA staff have demonstrated expertise, professionalism and responsiveness in their dealings with you.

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* 15. How likely is it that you would recommend GIIA to a friend or colleague?


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* 16. If there’s anything else you’d like to tell us, please enter it below.

Thank you for taking the time to complete GIIA's Annual Member Survey. If you have any questions or would like to discuss how to get involved with us further, please contact our Membership Officer, Sophia:
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