Thank you for your interest in reviewing for NSF/EDU's Racial Equity in STEM program description.

We are working to ensure that we assemble review panels that are diverse in expertise, demographic, career levels, institutional experience (i.e., academic, business, etc.), NSF experience (i.e., those new to NSF as well as those with NSF experience) and expertise within and outside of STEM education.

Please complete this form with as much detail as you are comfortable sharing. We appreciate your interest.

The information requested on the Reviewer Background Information form is pursuant to the National Science Foundation Act of 1950, as amended. Disclosure of all information is entirely voluntary. The purpose of this background information is to assist in the identification of prospective panelists to review proposals or provide guidance to NSF staff in connection with the administration of NSF science education support programs. Other NSF programs requesting names of potential reviewers or specialists in particular fields may also be given information from this form. Except for these purposes, this information will not be disclosed except as part of statistical reports or in a form that would not allow the identification of individuals. OMB No. 3145-0058 Expires 11/2026

Question Title

* 1. Date
*This item is required


Question Title

* 2. Please enter your contact information:
*These items are required

Question Title

* 3. If you have a professional website or bio page, please paste link in the box below.

Question Title

* 4. Area(s) of Expertise (check one or more):

Question Title

* 5. Research Methods Expertise (check one or more):

Question Title

* 6. Please describe your expertise/experience related to the Racial Equity in STEM Education program description:

Area(s) of Expertise (Check and answer all that apply)

Question Title


Question Title

* 8. CHEMISTRY (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 9. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCES & ENGINEERING (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 10. ENGINEERING (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 11. GEOSCIENCES (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 12. LIFE SCIENCES (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 13. MATERIALS RESEARCH (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 14. MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 15. PHYSICS & ASTRONOMY (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 16. PSYCHOLOGY (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Question Title

* 17. SOCIAL SCIENCES (If applicable, please specify expertise.)

Current and Past Employment Experiences (Check and answer all that apply)

Question Title

* 18. Type of Organization

Question Title

* 19. PreK-12 Education

Question Title

* 20. Public University/College

Question Title

* 21. If Public University/College, indicate the highest degree awarded by that institution:

Question Title

* 22. Private University/College

Question Title

* 23. If Private University/College, indicate the highest degree awarded by that institution:

Question Title

* 24. Other (Please Specify)


Question Title

* 25. Bachelor's (Or Equivalent) Information

Question Title

* 26. Master's (Or Equivalent) Information

Question Title

* 27. Ph.D (Or Equivalent) Information

Question Title

* 28. Other (Please Detail)

Question Title

* 29. HAVE YOU BEEN AN NSF PI or Co-PI? We are working to ensure that we assemble review panels that are diverse in NSF experience (i.e., those new to NSF as well as those with NSF experience).

Question Title

* 30. Do you plan to submit for one of the following target dates as PI, Co-PI or Senior Personnel?

Question Title

* 31. If yes, select your submission target date.

Question Title

* 32. PLEASE SELECT THE TARGET DATES FOR WHICH YOU ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE ON A REVIEW PANEL (Note: Reviews typically take place 2-3 months after the target date). Also, if you submit a proposal to the Racial Equity in STEM Education program description, you are not eligible to be a reviewer for proposals submitted to that same target date.

Question Title

* 33. MOST RECENT PANEL REVIEW FOR NSF (if applicable):

Question Title

* 34. DISABILITY STATUS (check one or more)

Demographic Information

Question Title

* 35. Gender:

Question Title

* 36. Ethnicity

Question Title

* 37. Race:

You have successfully completed the survey. Thank you for your time and for your interest in being a reviewer for the NSF/EHR's Racial Equity in STEM program.  Once we have received all responses, we will make selections based on expertise, availability, and need.  If you are not selected as a reviewer in this cycle, we may reach out to you in the future to gauge your interest and availability at that time.

Thank you!