The Affordable Housing Initiative (AHI) works to make sure social and affordable housing facilities also benefit from the Renovation Wave. It aims at guaranteeing that affordable and social housing projects in Europe have access to the necessary project support to go the extra mile in areas such as circular and modular building, social innovation and resident empowerment. The European Affordable Housing Consortium (SHAPE-EU) acts as the first building bloc of the AHI. It acts as a hub where useful examples, guidelines and funding and policy information are being collected and disseminated. It also brings together different partners that are able to offer local actors the necessary know-how and expertise. In this regard, professionals or managers in social housing, local authorities and construction SMEs involved in renovation projects are eligible to receive tailored support by carefully selected AHI experts.
To provide support, we are welcoming applications from experts across Europe in key topics (listed below in the questionnaire). As an expert your duties would involve mentoring professionals on going the extra mile in planning and implementing renovation projects at the district level, based on your relevant similar experience. The support would take place online or during a one-on-one meeting where mentors and ‘support-seekers’ would discuss a specific challenge previously agreed upon.
If you would like to join our pool of experts, please complete the application form below.