1. Background and Information

The City of Canby’s Park and Recreation Advisory Board needs your help! Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.  One of the responsibilities of Canby’s Park and Recreation Advisory Board is investigating sources of funding for parks and recreation services and facilities. We have prepared this survey as a follow up to the recent city parks survey.

In April, 2016 we mailed a park and recreation community survey to a random sampling of Canby voters and posted an online link on our City Website and community facebook pages.   The survey results for the first mailed and online surveys are posted on the City of Canby’s website at www.canbyoregon.gov.   The response was gratifying and we have gained valuable insight into how Canby’s parks measure up to expectations. 

Respondents to the original surveys indicated support for funding park maintenance from the General Fund and through Fees and Charges.  However, these funding sources currently will not be able to provide additional funds for park maintenance for the following reasons:
  • The City of Canby’s General Fund provides funding for all departments, and is constrained  by Urban Renewal obligations.  It is highly unlikely that the General Fund will be able to provide additional funds for park maintenance for many years; and
  • The City currently does not have a mechanism to charge fees for, nor personnel to administer that option; and
  • System Development Charges (SDC’s) require new development to pay their fair share for providing adequate park facilities resulting from increased demand from new development.  The SDCs collected, by state statute, can only be used to acquire and develop new parks, and cannot be used for park maintenance; and
  • Canby has a robust volunteer base and they provide much needed assistance for special events and projects throughout our park system.  However, the City does not have a dedicated volunteer coordinator which would be required in order to use volunteers effectively and efficiently for daily park maintenance. 
The benefits of well-maintained parks and open space have been well documented.  Examples of some of those documented benefits are:
  • Heath benefits including increased activity and stress reduction
  • Increased property values
  • Attracting and retaining businesses
  • Environmental benefits including pollution abatement, controlling storm water runoff, and providing wildlife habitat