Skilled Trades/Construction Workforce Survey

Dear Skilled Trades/Construction Employers,

The Mountain Area Workforce Development Board is conducting a workforce survey of the skilled trades/construction sector in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison and Transylvania Counties.  The survey results will be used to support the development of a certified career pathway that will be certified by the NCWorks Commission.  The career pathway will provide short-term training and work-based learning opportunities for graduating high school students, unemployed and underemployed adults, displaced workers and incumbent workers.  The end goal is to develop a much needed pipeline of workers for this growing industry sector.

The information you provide in the survey will not be linked to your company name in the summary report as the report results may be shared publically.  The collective data from all participating companies will be compiled and used to inform your company and the public on the types of skilled trades jobs available and wage ranges for those jobs. This information will be distributed in the NCWorks Career Centers across our region and used for advising individuals on career options in skilled

The information will also be very important as the workforce board develops its regional strategic plan and for pursuit of grant monies that would provide training and education for specific populations (dislocated workers and transitioning workers and low-income older youth and adults) seeking careers in skilled trades or construction.  As a thank-you for participating, we will share the results of the survey after completion.

The Board appreciates your candid and timely input.  Thank you in advance for completing this important survey by January 7, 2018.  Survey results should be available late January.  Should you have questions, please contact Barbara Darby at or call her at 828.231.6611.

Best Regards,
Nathan Ramsey
Director, Mountain Area Workforce Development Board.