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* 1. My age is:

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* 2. Before the pandemic, I typically attended the following worship service.

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* 3. I have school-age children.

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* 4. If I am currently working, I work:

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* 5. I would attend half-hour, in-person worship services with Eucharist (bread only) every Sunday going forward. (These services of about 60 people will require masks and social distancing; they will have a brief homily, little music, and no singing.)

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* 6. I would attend a half-hour, in-person worship service (as described in the previous question) once a month going forward.

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* 7. Going forward, I would find it meaningful to celebrate Spiritual Communion every Sunday via online worship. (Spiritual Communion refers to a Holy Eucharist service online in which we cannot receive the bread or wine, but instead pray for Christ's presence in our hearts and minds.)

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* 8. I would attend a half-hour service of 50 people or fewer on either December 23rd or 24th to celebrate Christmas Eve. (Note: In addition to such in-person services, a recorded service with music will be shared online on Christmas Eve either by St. Michael’s or the Diocese of Kansas.)

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* 9. The positivity rate of infections (particularly in Johnson County) is the most important factor in deciding when I return to in-person worship.

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* 10. The availability of a reliable vaccine is the most important factor in deciding when I return to in-person worship.