State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report Survey
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How did you find out about the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report?
On SPREP’s website
At the 10th Pacific Islands Nature Conference (2020)
Through the Pacific Islands Roundtable for Nature Conservation (PIRT)
From a SPREP mailing list (such as PIPAP, Inform Project newsletters)
From a SPREP circular
On SPREP’s Facebook page
Other social media
From a news article
By chance, online
At a meeting/conference
Word of mouth
Part of my coursework
Other (please specify)
Which parts of the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report have you read?
The whole report
Most of the report
Selected indicators (sections) of interest
Only the indicator section about my work area
Only the parts found using a keyword search
You are employed by a:
National government department/ministry
Intergovernmental organisation
Non-governmental organisation (NGO)
Public company
Private company
I am self-employed
I am a student
Other (please specify)
You are a:
Policy analyst
Local government official
National government official
Researcher or scientist
Consultant working in environmental management
Other (please specify)
How often do you use the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report?
This is the first time
Just once before, right after it was published
How would you rate the State of Environment and Conservation in the Pacific Islands: 2020 Regional Report?
Very good
I don’t know
How do you plan to use the report? (Several answers may apply.)
To inform policy-making
To inform decision-making
To inform project design and development
As input for multilateral agreement negotiations (such as UNFCCC, CBD)
To inform international cooperation and negotiation
For academic research
For advocacy
For my own personal knowledge
For a journalism article/blog that I am writing
To use materials for a presentation to a meeting/conference
To use materials for a course that I am teaching
As a data resource for a national analysis
As a data resource for a regional analysis
Which parts of the report did you find most useful? (Several answers may apply).
At-a-glance summary of the status, trends, and data confidence for an environmental indicator
Data graphics and visual messages
Summary text for use in an article or speech
Trends in environmental management
Trends in pressures and threats on Pacific environments and species
Trends in Pacific environmental management systems
Country examples
Regional targets
Citations/bibliography to direct me to the relevant regional literature
Perspectives on cross-cutting connections and emerging issues
Conclusions and policy recommendations
How did you access the report online? (Several answers may apply.)
Using a computer (laptop, desktop, etc.)
Using a mobile/smartphone
I prefer to read my printed/hard copy.
I want a printed copy instead.
Did you encounter any problems in accessing the report? (Several answers may apply).
Yes, it was hard to find the report using an Internet search engine.
No, it was easy to find the report.
Yes, it took a long time to open the full report online.
Yes, I had difficulties downloading the PDF of the full report.
I preferred downloading the smaller files of the individual indicator summaries instead of the full report PDF.
I came across the report by chance.
I regularly return to this website to read the report.
I plan to download the report.
Other (please specify)
Apart from the report itself, what information did you consult at this website? (Several answers may apply).
Data graphics and animations
Press release
Media or social media kit
News stories
Videos of Pacific Nature Conference sessions
Other (please specify)
Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the report or this website? Please write them in the box below.
You are a:
Other/Prefer not to say
Your age is:
Less than 30 years
30–39 years
40–49 years
50–59 years
60 years or more
Please indicate your country of residence in the box below
Please indicate your country of birth in the box below (if different from above)
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered