Poinsettia Memoriam Orders 2022

Blazing Poinsettias and Fragrant Greens

During Advent and Christmas, Old First continues the tradition of decorating the Sanctuary with festive wreaths and beautiful poinsettias. You are invited to contribute toward this decoration through donating in memory and honor of loved ones.

As in years past, the cost for poinsettias is $15 each, and the cost share for the wreaths is $10.

Please complete the order form to be included in the honor/ memoriam list that is shared near Christmas Eve. Please send a check to the church office, or place in the offering plate on Sundays. Checks are made to: Old First Church, and write POINSETTIA or WREATH in the memo line. Deadline for ordering is December 16, 2022.

If you have questions, please contact the church office.
1.Your name(s) :
2.In honor of:
3.In memory of:
4.I would like to order __________  (# of) poinsettia(s) 
5.I would like to order __________  (# of) wreath(s)
6.Total donation amount: