MCRUD Agreement

MCRUD is the Michigan Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking.  The mission of the Michigan Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking is to provide leadership on state and national issues and to assist individuals, grassroots groups, and organizations to reduce underage drinking locally.  Our primary mission is to assist you at the local level with the issues you have identified.   Any work done at a larger level, state-wide or nationally, is done to support local grassroots efforts. 

To fulfill our mission, MCRUD uses various approaches which are appropriate based on the community’s make-up and needs. We do not have a one-size-fits-all-communities approach or a specific "program" which we use everywhere.  However, as a member of MCRUD, it is essential that the ideas and strategies utilized to reduce excessive and underage drinking are based on sound public health and evidence-based research.

The Community Guide is a collection of evidence-based findings gathered by the Community Preventive Services Task Force[1]. It is an intervention based resource to help State, local, and community organizations select evidence-based methods to improve health and prevent disease. Below is a list of recommended interventions to reduce excessive alcohol consumption from the Community Guide.

1.            Electronic Screening and Brief Interventions

2.            Recommended Against the Privatization of Retail Alcohol Sales

3.            Dram Shop Liability

4.            Maintaining Limits on Days of Sales

5.            Maintaining Limits on Hours of Sales

6.            Increasing Alcohol Taxes

7.            Regulation of Alcohol Outlet Density

8.            Enhanced Enforcement of Laws Prohibiting Sales to Minors

Additional resources include:  The World Health Organization’s Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health (2018), The US Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health (2016), and Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity: Research and Public Policy, 2nd Edition (2010).

 The MCRUD Agreement is a statement of the Michigan Coalition to Reduce Underage Drinking outlining the measures we believe must be undertaken to address this problem.  Persons and organizations, who affiliate with MCRUD, share this point of view and are committed to carrying out the suggested strategies to the extent they can.

We encourage community coalition leaders and stakeholders who are to working to reduce underage drinking to complete this MCRUD Agreement and become a partner with us!

Visit for details.

If you have a question about how MCRUD is operated, what MCRUD does, or any other questions, please contact MCRUD Coordinator Mike Tobias at 800-968-4968 or or by visiting the website

[1] The Community Guide.  About the community guide at