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Vendor Form Application

Hello Vendors,

Thank you for your interest in being a vendor!  We want your business/organization to be part of this exciting event! 

This event will take place from 8 am -12 pm on Saturday, April 16, 2022, at Crest Lake Park| 201 S Glenwood Ave., Clearwater, Fl 33755.

For all businesses, if paying by check, please make checks payable to the Willa Carson Health and Wellness Center| 1108 N Martin Luther King Jr. Clearwater Fl 33755 or pay electronically via PayPal to Willa Carson Health and Wellness Center.  

PayPal Link:

$125 Food Trucks | $50 Non-Food Vendors | No Charge 501c3's

Vendors are to arrive at 7:30 am. All vendors will be provided a table and 2 chairs.

For more information contact Pastor Carlton Childs at

Question Title

* 1. Name of Business/Non-Profit

Question Title

* 2. Check one:

Question Title

* 3. Agency/Program Description

Question Title

* 4. Contact Person

Question Title

* 5. Address

Question Title

* 6. Phone Number

Question Title

* 7. Email Address

Question Title

* 8. Form of payment (There is no charge for Non-Profits):

Question Title

* 9. I agree to hold harmless, the Willa Carson Health and Wellness Center, its affiliates, lesses, and personnel from any liabilities and claims sustained by me, my company/non-profit while participating in the 9th Annual Walk for Willa.

Question Title

* 10. I authorize the filming and photographing of myself/coworkers and understand that there is no compensation to me and my coworker for such.

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