Canadian Anti-Spam Law

BCIA maintains regular email contact with our certificants, applicants, and others whom we consider promos - people who have expressed interest in our certification programs by contacting us or by completing a didactic training program as one of the requirements for certification.  Blast email is the easiest way to reach out to tell you about industry news, upcoming educational opportunities, and even about jobs in your area.

If you live in Canada, we’d like your permission to keep in touch by email. Canadian law now requires our organization to get your permission before emailing you. If you agree to allow us to continue to send you updates in this manner, please check the appropriate button below.  Remember if you click the No button, we will no longer be able to contact you.  You may change your mind at any time.

Question Title

* Please indicate your preference below about receiving email from BCIA.

Question Title

* Please enter your name and email in the box below so that we can handle your preference.  Thank you - BCIA.