Thank you for taking the time to complete MNADV's Annual Training and Technical Assistance Needs Assessment. Meeting the needs of domestic violence service providers who work directly with survivors is very important to us. This is your opportunity to determine MNADV's top training priorities and to identify areas where you need technical assistance.  This survey is specifically intended for frontline workers, such as advocates, case managers, and hotline or shelter workers. All of the questions are optional, so you can complete this survey as quickly or as completely as your time allows. You will also have a chance to complete the survey electronically n the next few weeks, if you prefer. Thank you for your input!

Question Title

* 2. MNADV can provide or coordinate training or technical assistance on the best practices for the content areas below. Please select the relevant topics based on your program's TOP 5-10 needs. (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. What are reasons your department/agency has had to turn people away from services in the past 8-12 months? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. How effective do you believe your program is at serving survivors from the following demographic categories?

  Not effective Somewhat effective Effective Very effective
Black/African American survivors
Latinx survivors
Asian American/Pacific Islander survivors
Multi-racial survivors
White/Caucasian survivors
Immigrant/refugee survivors
Undocumented immigrant survivors
Survivors with limited English proficiency - Spanish speaking survivors
Survivors with limited English proficiency - not including Spanish-speakers
Minor survivors of domestic violence (ages 0-18)
Teen survivors of dating violence
Adult survivors of domestic violence
Children who are exposed to domestic violence - non-direct victims
Older adults survivors of intimate partner violence (ages 65+)
Cisgender female survivors
Cisgender male survivors
Transgender female survivors
Transgender male survivors
Survivors who identify as lesbian
Survivors who identify as bisexual/pansexual
Survivors who identify as queer/gender non-conforming
Survivors with physical disabilities
Survivors with cognitive disabilities
Deaf survivors
Survivors from rural communities
Survivors from urban communities
Survivors who are homeless
Active military survivors
Veteran military survivors

Question Title

* 5. Rank the following legal system changes that need to occur to support your organization's work from highest need (1) to lowest need (10).

Question Title

* 6. What type of training format are you interested in?

Question Title

* 7. What barriers do potential clients/participants of your services face in accessing and/or receiving your organization's services?

  Not a barrier Somewhat of a barrier Significant barrier
Stigma or a feeling of shame
Lack of privacy in your organization
Lack of childcare during times services are offered
Lack of transportation/distance from your program/services
Belief that these DV program/services do not exist for people like them
Hearing about negative experiences that individuals like them have had with DV programs/services
Hours of operation
Fear of seeking services
Language barriers
Cultural barriers 
Lack of trust in "the system"
Lack of written domestic violence resources in their native language
Fear of deportation
Lack of proper identification/documents
Lack of culturally specific amenities within shelter - i.e. food, hair products, etc.
Survivor's substance use
Fear they will be arrested for other crimes
Fear they will lose custody of their children
Does not identify as a victim of intimate partner violence
Abusive partner's criminal record
Survivor's criminal record

Question Title

* 8. In your opinion, what are the TOP 5 organizational barriers at your agency?

Question Title

* 9. What actions, changes, or resources do you believe are needed to overcome barriers in serving survivors in your community? (Please describe.)

Question Title

* 10. Do you routinely ask survivors questions from the Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) when providing services in-person or on the hotline?

Question Title

* 11. Would you like technical assistance on administering the LAP?

Question Title

* 12. EFFECTIVENESS: Please indicate whether or not you have utilized MNADV's training and/or technical assistance services. In the PAST YEAR:

  Yes No Unsure
Have you found useful information on the MNADV website?
Have you received useful information from MNADV e-newsletters?
Have you attended a training or webinar held or sponsored by MNADV?
Have you made an inquiry and received a helpful response from MNADV?

Question Title

* 13. In an effort to strengthen your Community Coordinated Response, which of the following groups of community partners would benefit from additional domestic violence training in your community? (Please rank)

Question Title

* 14. What could MNADV do to become more useful, helpful, or relevant for your work?

THANK YOU for your input! We appreciate your time and energy.