Thank you for attending a March for Science on April 22, 2017. Please take our brief survey to share your experiences with ASPB. If you would like to share pictures from the march, please send them to Melanie Binder at 

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. In which city did you March for Science on April 22?

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* 3. Tell us about your experience at the march, how you plan to carry the momentum forward, and any other comments you would like to share with ASPB staff.

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* 4. Share links to your social media posts about the march.

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* 5. Please check this box if ASPB may share your experience in a blog post. We will contact you for permission to use your name, pictures, and any comments you make.

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* 6. Please check this box if you would like to receive future communication from ASPB about policy-related issues and events.