The ACT Government has a commitment to reducing the incidence of violence against women and children in the Territory. This commitment is spelled out in the ACT Prevention of Violence Against Women and Children Strategy. You can read the Strategy at:

A Governance Group, with representatives from Government, Business and Community Sectors, is overseeing the implementation of the Strategy, and the whole of the ACT Government is undertaking initiatives to progress the objectives of the Strategy.

However, we know much great work is being done in the wider community to prevent and reduce violence against women and children, or to raise awareness in the community. We want to make sure that these efforts are documented and acknowledged as part of implementing the ACT Strategy.

It is possible that you are not familiar with the Strategy, but that your organisation is currently, or has recently, undertaken work to progress the Strategy's objectives. Your organisation’s work might be formal or informal, and your organisation may range from a local funded community group, to a voluntary group or a sporting or school group.

This survey asks you to think about any activities undertaken in 2012 and 2013 that assist in some way to prevent violence against women and their children, or to raise awareness about the issue. We are particularly interested in any initiatives which you are undertaking which are unfunded, or which are funded philanthropically or by the Commonwealth - that is outside any specific contractual arrangements or project funding that you may have received from the ACT Government.

Examples might include for example activities which have raised the issue in the wider community or worked with particular groups in the community, the introduction of codes of conduct in sports groups or clubs, or activities which have provided support to women and their children who are effected by violence.

The information gathered through the survey may be published in a report.

The first part of the survey looks at the 4 Primary Objectives of the Strategy. The second part of the survey asks for information about activities which do not fit neatly under the Strategy’s 4 headings.

We look forward to learning about the work you are doing to Prevent Violence Against Women and Their Children in the ACT.