
Please help us to investigate
Teens and Screens - Digital Media at School
An Anonymous Survey of Parents and Students

Digital media use by adolescents has increased in the last decade. This research project aims to investigate how the use of Interactive whiteboards and computers may have changed your classroom environment.
  • How many SCREEN HOURS do you use at school?
  • WHICH SUBJECTS use screens the most?
  • How are light sensitive students being supported?

As a high school student you are invited to participate, your own survey linked to your parent's survey through a codename of your choosing. This helps with keeping your information anonymous. Both your survey and your parent's survey are approximately 10 minutes long.

For further information about this study, please read the Student Information Letter here

Question Title

* 1. Do you agree with the statements above?

Question Title

* 2. Please construct a codename. It could contain a number, a colour and an animal

For example: 7bluegiraffe

You don't have to use spaces or capitals, just something you will remember and share with your parent/carer to link their survey with yours.

My codename is