
Your participation in this survey will help Durham-based public artist David Wilson create a mural for the new police headquarters. In this mural, David will seek to visually represent what peace looks like to the Durham community. The mural will be displayed along the Main Street corridor of the new Durham Police Headquarters department, visible and accessible from the exterior and interior of the building.

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* 1. Do you live or work in Durham?

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* 2. What is peace to you?

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* 3. Can peace mean different things to different people?

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* 4. How do you deal with conflict?

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* 5. Is peace something one feels inside or outside themselves?

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* 6. Why is peace important to you?

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* 7. Without peace, what would your community look like to you?

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* 8. Please describe how you visualize peace

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* 9. What does peace sound like to you?

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* 10. Would you be willing to participate in a community engagement activity that would involve you being photographed and a portion of your likeness included in the final mural created by the Artist? 

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* 11. Please share your email address if you would like to receive more information regarding the upcoming community engagement activity: