Bridging Research and Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education

Are you passionate about entrepreneurship education and pedagogy? Do you have insights into translating cutting-edge entrepreneurship research into impactful classroom content? If so, we invite you to submit extended abstracts for a USASBE Paper Development Workshop, a precursor to the USASBE 2025 Conference to be held in Las Vegas, NV in February 2025.

Authors will receive valuable feedback during the workshop to be held on May 17, 2024, to enhance the quality and impact of their work. Authors will be notified of acceptance to the workshop by May 1, 2024.

Benefits of Participation:

1. Feedback from Experts: Receive constructive feedback from experienced scholars and educators in the field.
2. Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for advancing entrepreneurship education.
3. Collaboration Opportunities: Identify research collaborators with complementary skills, interests, and resources.

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* 4. Upload Submission (Template linked in description above)

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