Community Questionnaire


Coffs Harbour City Council has recently started the working on a Coastal Management Program development for the Corindi River and Pipe Clay Lake with the support of the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. The Program will contain Council’s long-term plan for the ongoing sustainable management of these two estuaries.

 The Scoping Study

Council has recently commenced Stage 1 of the coastal management process for the Corindi River and Pipe Clay Lake: the Scoping Study. The study area is shown in the figure below. The purpose of the Scoping Study is to undertake a review of the existing information on the two estuaries, and to then make a plan for any further studies or other investigations required to develop the Coastal Management Program. 

How to Get Involved

As a resident and/or visitor of this beautiful area we appreciate you likely have a lot of local knowledge about the Corindi River and Pipe Clay Lake. We would be grateful if you could please complete this 10-15 minute survey to share your thoughts on:

·         What you value most about the Corindi River and Pipe Clay Lake?

·         How often you visit there and the type of activities you engage in?

·         Your observations of any local issues or changes in the waterway condition over time.

·         What you consider important for the management of the Corindi River and Pipe Clay Lake in the future?

The information provided will help us decide what the next stages of the Coastal Management Program should focus on.

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Study Area

Study Area

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* 1. What suburb do you live in?

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* 2. How long have you lived at that location?

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* 3. Did you live in the Corindi River and/or Pipe Clay Lake catchment area prior to living at your current address? (Please see map for the area)

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* 4. What is your age?

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* 5. Do you identify as?