Scadding Court Strategic Planning 2017 Process

Scadding Court Community Centre (SCCC) would like your feedback and input on our projects, programs, services and general areas of focus. Your opinions are important. Please complete all of the following questions. Use as much space as necessary to answer questions. Your responses will be treated confidentially. A consolidated summary of all replies will be made available to the Board of Directors and senior management team. Thank you for helping set the directions for SCCC for the next five years!


SCCC Vision
A healthy community in which every individual and group has the capacity to achieve their full potential.

SCCC Mission
To support and foster the well being of individuals, families, and community groups by providing and encouraging both local and international opportunities for recreation, education, athletics, community participation and inclusive social interaction.

SCCC Core Values
As we work toward our vision, Scadding Court Community Centre shall strive to:
1. Work in partnership and collaboration.
2. Use research and evaluation to identify and respond to community needs.
3. Strive to provide all community members with full access to our programs and services.
4. Promote access to technology for all community members.
5. Be open to new opportunities as they arise.
6. Consider SCCC in the context of being a member of the local, provincial, national and global communities.
7. Develop and deliver programs, services and an environment that builds capacity in both individuals and groups, thereby supporting them in achieving their potential for personal and social health.
8. Foster an environment of diversity and inclusion.
9. Be an organization that is: · Equitable · Inclusive · Respectful · Competent · Innovative · Ethical · Responsible · Accountable · Credible · Environmentally responsible
10. Be an organization that emphasizes: · Excellence · Teamwork · Integrity · Leadership · An atmosphere of caring, sensitivity, fairness and imagination

Question Title

* 1. My PRIMARY relationship with SCCC:

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* 2. I've been involved with SCCC for:

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* 3. In your own words what is the purpose of SCCC?

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* 4. The last strategic plan identified priorities for the organization in 2012. This plan was in effect until this year. SCCC has shared progress on five strategic directions in different ways with various audiences from Board members, volunteers, program participants and clients through a diverse range of communications. The five strategic directions that informed SCCC’s work over the last five years were:

• Direction #1: Continue and enhance an organizational culture of innovation and action that extends across all levels of the organization

• Direction #2: Contribute to an inclusive and revitalized community through public space animation, local economic development, and agency redevelopment to meet community needs

• Direction #3: Foster a culture of collaboration through innovative and non-traditional partnerships, incubation of emerging organizations and development of new service delivery models

• Direction #4: Catalyse and facilitate programs and social change-focused activity in response to community needs: issue identification, research, capacity-building, policy development, communications and mobilization

• Direction #5: Expand the engagement of, partnership with, and service delivery for people living with disabilities.

In your opinion, do you believe any of these directions will still apply in the next five years? If yes, which ones and why. If no, why not- are there other directions you believe the Centre should focus on instead?

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* 5. In general, SCCC has met the advancement directions that were identified through the last process. We also know the community and the landscape have changed dramatically since that time. The neighbourhood has become more diverse, poverty in the city is increasing and becoming deeply concentrated, the Atkinson Co-op is undergoing a large -scale redevelopment. This will mean our community will continue to change; it will also mean our programs and services will need to change and expand to meet the needs of the neighbourhood. We would appreciate your feedback in letting us know what you think is most important to you to help the Board of Directors approve a set of directions to guide SCCC through the next five years.

Please indicate the IMPORTANCE of each of the following programming and service areas:

  Very Important Important Not Very Important Unimportant Don't Know N/A
Children’s Programs & 0-6
Parenting Programs
Youth Programs
Women’s Programs
General Recreation
Seniors Programs
Newcomer Services
Food Security Programs
Programs for People living with Disabilities
Social Enterprise and Poverty Reduction Programs (Business out of a Box, Market707, urban markets, etc.)
Civic Engagement
Commercial Kitchen
Greenhouse and Aquaponics

Question Title

* 6. Please rate your SATISFACTION with each of the following programming and service areas:

  Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Somewhat Dissatisfied Dissatisfied Don't Know
Children’s Programs & 0-6
Parenting Programs
Youth programs
Women's programs
General Recreation
Seniors Programs
Newcomer Services
Food Security Programs
Programs for People Living with Disabilities
Social Enterprise and Poverty Reduction Programs (Business out of a Box, Market707, urban markets, etc.)
Civic Engagement
Commercial Kitchen
Greenhouse and Aquaponics

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* 7. If SCCC could only do ONE THING, what should it be? Why?

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* 8. How can CURRENT programs, projects, initiatives and services be improved?

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* 9. What do you see as SCCC's weaknesses?

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* 10. What programs, projects or services - if any - should be discontinued?

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* 11. What do you see as SCCC's strengths?

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* 12. What NEW programs, projects or services - if any - should be added to address new, emerging or unmet needs?

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* 13. Any other comments about SCCC or this survey that you would like to share?