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Thank you for participating in ClinGen's CNV Web Series.  We'd like your feedback on which aspects of the series were helpful, and which aspects could be improved.

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* 1. How many of the webinars did you attend/view (live or video)?

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* 2. How did you primarily access the webinars?

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* 3. Overall, how satisfied were you with this web series?

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* 4. Please describe your understanding of the ACMG/ClinGen CNV technical standards for constitutional copy number variants following your participation in the web series.

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* 5. Following the web series, how confident are you in your ability to use the scoring metrics to evaluate large, multigenic CNVs (such as those typically identified by genome-wide arrays)?  Please answer regardless of how often you might perform this activity.

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* 6. Following the web series, how confident are you in your ability to use the scoring metrics to evaluate smaller, exon-level/intragenic CNVs (such as those typically identified by gene-targeted arrays, NGS, MLPA, etc.)?  Please answer regardless of how often you might perform this activity.

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* 7. Overall, how satisfied were you with the TOPICS covered in this web series?  A full list of topics can be found here:

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* 8. Did you feel that any of the topics were unnecessary?  Find a full list of topics here:

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* 9. Are there additional topics you wish were covered?  Please describe them here.

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* 10. Did you like the FREQUENCY of the webinars (once weekly)?

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* 11. Did you like the LENGTH of the webinars (one hour)?

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* 12. How do you feel about the FORMAT of this series (recurring, remote, with both live and recorded options)?

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* 13. Did you experience any difficulties using the Zoom webinar platform for this series?  Check all that apply.

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* 14. Did you experience any difficulties viewing the recordings for this series?  Check all that apply.

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* 15. How important is it for us to make the RECORDINGS of the webinars available?

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* 16. How important is it for us to make the SLIDES of the webinars available?

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* 17. How important is it for us to make the EXAMPLES available?  Find them here:

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* 18. Do you plan to refer back to any of these materials (recordings, slides, examples) in the future?

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* 19. Should we offer this series again?

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* 20. Do you have any suggestions for additional questions/answers to include on our FAQ page (

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* 21. Please share any additional feedback you have on the CNV technical standards web series, including any areas for improvement, ideas for future webinars, etc.

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* 22. Please share any additional feedback you have on the CNV technical standards themselves (i.e., the actual publication and scoring metrics), including any areas for improvement.

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* 23. Would you be interested in participating in additional webinars hosted by ClinGen?

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* 24. If you are interested in receiving updates about future educational content from ClinGen, please enter your contact information here.  Your preferences from question 14 (CNV only vs. general education) will be noted.

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