Exploring the Motivations of Psychotherapists

Why would someone want to become a psychotherapist? After all it’s a profession full of uncertainty, an arduous training, significant financial outlay and uncertain career prospects. And yet more people want to become therapists.

This survey seeks to explore some of the influences that might lead an individual to want to become a psychotherapist. Within the profession there has been a reluctance to do research in this area. So, your cooperation in doing this short survey is much appreciated. 

All responses will be treated in confidence. Contact, on an individual basis, will only be made with those participants who have indicated their willingness to take part in further research that focuses on the experience of individual practitioners.  

The survey is part of an on-going research programme conducted by the Metanoia Institute, which has received ethical approval by the Metanoia Research Ethics Committee. In this regard a point of contact is Dr Stephen Goss (stephen.goss@metanoia.ac.uk) Chair of the Ethics Committee.
Continuation through the survey will be taken to indicate participant consent.

Thank you for taking part in the survey.

For queries regarding the survey please contact
Dr Alistair McBeath (alistair.mcbeath@metanoia.ac.uk).
(Survey Monkey - Privacy Policy)