Intercountry Adoptee Survey

Hello, and thank you so very much for helping me with this project! 

I am currently writing a book about international adoption. My wife and I have two adopted children from India (who are now adults).  I regard you as the real "expert" on adoption because you have lived the life of an international adopted person--you know what it's like, both the joys as well as and the hard challenges.  Please be assured that all of your responses to this survey will be confidential and will not be shared anywhere else besides my writing projects. 

When I refer to you in any of my written materials, I will use a pseudonym for your real name, and I will also alter your identifying information (your current age and age at adoption) to ensure your privacy. 

Please try to answer each question.  Include as much detail as you can, but please understand you don’t need to "write a book”.    

If you find any of the questions too personally difficult or sensitive at this time to answer, you can skip those.  I totally understand-- no pressure.    

Feel free to contact me via email or Facebook if you have any questions at all.  Finally if I would love get a brief response from you about what you thought about the survey, which will also allow me to thank you personally for your participation. Just shoot me an email letting me know.  Rest assured that if you choose to respond, I  will keep your name and email address in strictest confidence.  

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help in this important project! 

Dr. Mark Andrews
Adoptive Family Resources, Inc.
1.Please provide the following information:  a) your birth country; b) your gender; c) your age at adoption; d) your current age; and e) to protect your privacy, a pseudonym I can use in place of your actual first name.

2.For you, what have been some of the positive aspects about being adopted?

3.What have been some of your biggest life challenges as an intercountry adoptee?

4.Have you ever experienced grief and loss for your birth family and what has that been like for you?

5.What cultural challenges have you experienced?  (such as language barriers,  difficulty with American customs and ways of thinking, doing things, etc).
6.Has being adopted had any effect on your spiritual life either positively or negatively-- such as how you view God, etc.?  How would you describe God and your relationship with Him?
7.What are some things you appreciate about your (adoptive) parents; and what are some challenges/conflicts you've had?
8.Have you ever experienced prejudice from others because you are from a different cultural background/ethnic group?  What was that like?
9.Now that you are a little older, what types of advice would you give to American couples/individuals who are thinking about adopting a child from another country/ethnicity?
Current Progress,
0 of 9 answered