Please Provide BCANDS With Your BSDW Contact Information

To assist to ensure that BCANDS has an updated and accurate contact list of the current Band Social Development Workers across British Columbia, we are requesting your assistance and asking all BSDW's, both experienced and new, to please complete the following questionnaire. Thank you!

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. BCANDS will be updating the PWD / MNS pages on our website on an ongoing basis. If needed, can we contact you to get your thoughts and insight?

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* 3. Commencing in 2016, the BCANDS Board of Director's is considering the establishment of an annual award to recognize an outstanding BSDW, as nominated by their community. In your opinion is there a need for such an award / recognition for BSDW's?

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* 4.  Can we share and post your contact information with others, both online and in written format?