Employees who work in the city of Folly Beach
Do you work in Folly Beach?
How many years have you worked on Folly?
Less than one year
One to four years
Five to nine years
Ten to fourteen years
Fifteen or more years
Do you also live in Folly?
Yes, I live in Folly.
No, I do not live in Folly.
If you do not live in Folly, how long is your commute time and distance to get to work?
What is your monthly household income? (We ask because the federal government has defined cost-burdened households and we're using this data as part of our analysis).
What is your monthly rent or mortgage payment? (We ask because the federal government has defined cost-burdened households and we're using this data as part of our analysis).
Would you be interested in moving closer to Folly, or within the city limits of Folly Beach, if you had a more affordable option?
Do you have other thoughts about why you do or don't live on Folly? And if you don't, what it would take for you to be able to live on Folly?