Study Information

The purpose of this study is to examine the different types of medical school curricula at medical schools throughout the United States. This includes how the curriculum is set up, how long it has been implemented, and what is included in it, focusing on the anatomical sciences (gross anatomy/embryology, histology, and neuroanatomy). The purpose is also to investigate the perceptions of faculty who teach at a medical school that has undergone curricular reform in the last 10 years. The researchers are specifically looking for responses from individuals who currently teach in the anatomical sciences at their medical school. For right now, only those teaching at a school which grants a medical doctorate (MD) degree will be considered.

This survey is voluntary and will be anonymized after data collection. This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

This research is being conducted by individuals at Indiana University, and is approved as an exempt study #1610692944 through the Indiana University Institutional Review Board. Please contact Melissa Taylor ( with any questions or comments.

To access the study information sheet for this study, please go to this link:
4% of survey complete.