Dear EBM Help community members,

The EBM Help discussion list brings together thousands of ocean management and conservation professionals from around the world to share knowledge about to best protect ocean ecosystems. This is an unprecedented opportunity to ask a wide range of professionals for input on ocean management and conservation challenges that you (and many others) face.

We have created this short survey to collect questions to send out to the EBM Help list for input. If you have questions about ocean conservation or management challenges that you are facing in your work (big picture or more focused), please write them in the box below. Be sure to hit "Done" when you are finished to submit your responses.

Thank you for your help!
The OCTO Team

Sarah Carr,
John Davis,

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your contact information below.

Question Title

* 2. What questions do you have about ocean management or conservation challenges that you are facing in your work? Questions can be big picture or specific to your individual situation. The more context you can provide, the better. Examples of questions that OCTO’s discussion lists have handled in the past include:

  • What are some resources for teaching MPA design and management?
  • What are some methods for generating ecosystem services hotspot maps?
  • What are some examples of marine spatial planning implementation plans and best practices?
Feel free to submit more than one question in the box below or submit multiple responses to the survey.

Question Title

* 3. Do you want your question(s) to the list to be asked anonymously?