QTU Member Engagement Survey 2023

Arising from the Teachers’ Certified Agreement, the department has agreed to conduct a Comprehensive Review of School Resourcing [CRoSR].
The CRoSR review aims to examine the appropriate arrangements for resourcing schools to reduce barriers for all learners, and better meet the needs of 21st Century state schools. It has a broad scope to provide for a holistic review of the way schools are resourced and will include a review of allocative models and methodologies, direct to school grants and system support resources including teaching and non-teaching allocations.
This anonymous survey is one of the ways for you to connect directly with the QTU CRoSR Team and provide your feedback to inform and enrich our work as a key stakeholder in the review.
Thank you in advance of your contribution.

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* 1. Why did you nominate to participate today? (Choose one)

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* 2. What is your sector/context? (Choose one)

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* 3. What is the approximate size of your school/location? (choose one)

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* 4. If your school purchases additional time/staff - tick all that apply to describe how your school currently uses purchased resources.

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* 6. Thinking about 21st C educational contexts for your sector, rank priorities that urgently require resourcing. (1 = highest priority)

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* 7. What would you like the CRoSR Review to know to assist in the design of a new resourcing model?

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* 8. Principals only: please indicate if you would be prepared to share a de-identified snapshot of your school resourcing to assist in comparative models of resourcing. (optional - or email the QTU CRoSR Review team to express interest)

Thank-you for your time and contribution to the CRoSR Review.
We look forward to keeping you informed about progress through QTU Member updates.

You can contact us any time on: