There are three different concepts for the Sylvan Hills Park playground. Each concept offers two images to show different views of the potential equipment and layout. 

Please rank each of the three concepts as your first or second favorite. You can also provide feedback on each concept and general comments at the end of the survey.

*Equipment colors can be easily changed, so please rate the concepts based on usefulness and interest.

Question Title

Option A - View One

Option A - View One

Question Title

Option A - View Two

Option A - View Two

Question Title

* 2. Please list which features of playground Option A you feel will be used most:

Question Title

* 3. What suggestions do you have to improve playground Option A:

Question Title

Option B - View One

Option B - View One

Question Title

Option B - View Two

Option B - View Two

Question Title

* 5. Please list which features of playground Option B you feel will be used most:

Question Title

* 6. What suggestions do you have to improve playground Option B: