Dear Oneness-Family School Parents,

We are pleased to send out our 2023-2024 parent survey. Our school seeks to improve and learn from our students, parents, and staff and your feedback helps us to reach our strategic goals. The parent survey is one more way we can learn what is working well and how to better meet the needs of the community.

We ask that you take a brief moment to fill out this short survey. The survey may be completed anonymously. All responses will be due on Friday, April 15.

Survey results will be reviewed with the Oneness-Family School Board this spring, to inform our efforts and direction in the coming year.

Thank you for helping us continue to grow.

Question Title

* 1. Parent Name (Optional)

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* 3. How many years have you been a parent at OFS?

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* 4. How many of your children attend OFS?

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* 5. What program(s) are your child(ren) enrolled in this year?

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* 6. "I plan on staying at Oneness through

Question Title

* 7. For our United Nations Day celebrations, please tell us which countries are represented in your family. (Optional)

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10% of survey complete.