CSE 2017 Annual Meeting Call for Abstracts

20% of survey complete.
CSE members and meeting attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts describing their research of interest to editors and writers for a presentation at the CSE 2017 Poster Session.

Abstracts for Poster Sessions will be reviewed by the CSE Research Committee. Individuals will be contacted by March 17, 2017, regarding poster selection. Selected abstracts will be presented at the 2017 CSE Annual Meeting, May 20-23, 2017, in San Diego, California.

Submission Requirements
Abstracts submission deadline is February 24, 2017.

At least one author of an accepted poster must attend the CSE annual meeting to present the poster. CSE is unable to cover attendees’ expenses or waive registration fees for presenters.

Abstract Entry
Maximum of 350 words, in English, and structured into Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Abstracts must explicitly state the study hypothesis and the methods must be able to prove or disprove the hypothesis.

Poster Requirements
Poster area dimensions are limited to 5 ft (150 cm) wide x 4 ft (120 cm) tall. Posters will be assigned to a designated 2-hour session during which authors are asked to be present at their poster. Posters should be available for viewing during the entire meeting.

Font size of poster text must be at least 16 pt. Text must be readable to a person standing 1 meter away. All figures should have captions.

To submit an abstract please click "Next" below, and complete all the required information following on the next 3 pages.

Please contact Andrew Van Wasshnova at avanwasshnova@kellencompany.com with questions.

For further information please contact Mary Warner, Research Committee Chair, at mwarner@aphanet.org