KMM- Kids, Music and More

Sign up! FREE after school kids programs
Age: K-8th grade
For Middle School  Bus # 19 
For Hurlbutt / WIS  Bus # 8 
Wednesdays after school- your kiddo can take the bus from Weston Schools or get dropped off by 4PM
We will have snack from bus drop-off- 4PM
Kids programming 4-5:30pm
Family dinner 5:30-6:30pm
- Family dinner is free and optional
- Bring your other kids and spouse and join us for dinner!
KMM: We will be playing games, teaching bible lessons, singing, and learning instruments. Kids will be divided up by age/grade and go from station to station. Each group with have college student leaders and high school helpers!

Norfield Congregational Church
64 Norfield Rd Weston, CT
Staff Contact:
Greta Dorsey
Seminarian Minister of Children, Youth, and Family

Write a description of your survey here. Select any question below to change it. Then add questions as needed.

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* 1. Parent Email

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* 2. Parent Cell Phone

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* 3. Address

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* 4. I give permission for my child(ren) to be photographed for camp-parent communications and for use in church-related materials (Norfield Church Website and/or Norfield Church print materials).

Question Title

* 5. In the event of a medical emergency, if parents/emergency contacts cannot be reached, I consent to the administration of any medical treatment deemed necessary by a licensed medical professional.