33% of survey complete.
People don’t understand enough about young people who don’t have a stable place to call home. This summer, Voices of Youth Count is doing a one-day count of how many young people are without a safe, stable place to sleep in 22 counties across the country. The goal of the effort is to improve our understanding of the population, to learn about the scope and scale of the issue, policies and practices affecting youth and ultimately to advocate for future funding and programing for the population. 

On June 7, 2016 Travis County will be conducting a count of youth ages 13-25 years old who are unstably housed, couch surfing, doubled up, living on the streets and staying in community shelters. The street count will be lead by youth with lived experiences however we need your assistance helping to count youth in our local shelters and at "count us in" locations across the county. 

As a youth count volunteer you will be asked to go to a specific location between the hours of 9am and and 6pm to conduct surveys with unstably housed and homeless youth between the ages of 13-25 years old.  The survey is completely voluntary and youth can choose to skip any question or stop the survey at any time.  Upon completing the survey, youth will be provided with a $5 gift card, thanking them for their time. 

To sign up to participate, please fill out this short survey.

Question Title

1. Your Information: