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Answering the Call

Greetings Crisis Call Centers,
The 988 Collaborative is launching an effort to showcase the work being done by local crisis centers across the nation to advocate for funding designation in preparation for the 988 rollout. While 911 and 988 share similarities in accessing life-saving services, there is a categorical difference in the nature of our work. Our centers resolve the majority of concerns in house – without dispatch. Providing least restrictive, cost effective care to individuals experiencing a mental health crisis. Our call centers are empowering, innovative, and efficient – it is imperative for policy makers to understand the value of our centers and fund continued successful services as 988 rolls out next year.

The following survey will aid the collaborative in developing narratives, visuals and media to highlight the work of centers across the country.
You must be a current National Suicide Prevention Lifeline center to complete this survey.

Question Title

* 1. Name of organization/center

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* 2. City and State of organization/center

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* 3. Why are local crisis lines critical for community response?

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* 4. CALLER TESTIMONIAL: Use the text box below to share community impact stories from individuals who have called your center to highlight the value of crisis center work (please redact any identifying information).

*If you have testimonial documents you'd prefer to upload, please utilize the upload feature in question 11.

Question Title

* 5. CALL CENTER STAFF/VOLUNTEER TESTIMONIAL: Use the text box below to share impact stories from staff or volunteers at your center to highlight the compassionate innovation of those working in your organization/center.

*If you have testimonial documents you'd prefer to upload, please utilize the upload feature in question 11.

Question Title

* 6. STAKEHOLDER TESTIMONIAL: Use the text box below to share impact stories from stakeholders in your community to highlight the vital nature of local crisis line services.

*If you have testimonial documents you'd prefer to upload, please utilize the upload feature in question 11.

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* 7. What key messages are important as we advocate for funding and share the success of crisis centers in preparation for the 988 rollout?

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* 8. Is there a community champion for your services that you’d like us to reach out to, to gain testimonial to highlight your center's work?

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* 9. If Yes, please provide their contact information.

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* 10. Any additional information, concerns or suggestions you’d like to share?

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* 11. If you already have content to share from previous appeals, annual reports or media blitzes, please upload your content here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
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Question Title

* 12. If you already have content to share from previous appeals, annual reports or media blitzes, please upload your content here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 13. Can we add your logo to the website as a supporting center? If yes, please attach it here.

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File
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