Freestanding licensed hospitals located in Arizona and Arizona hospital-based healthcare systems are eligible to become Hospital Members of AzHHA.
Section I

Question Title

* 1. Name of organization

Question Title

* 2. Owned by

Question Title

* 3. Operated by

Question Title

* 4. Street address

Question Title

* 5. Mailing address (if different from street address)

Question Title

* 6. City, state, zip code

Question Title

* 7. Main line phone number

Question Title

* 8. Organization's website

Question Title

* 9. Name of chief executive officer/principal

Question Title

* 10. Title of chief executive officer/principal

Question Title

* 11. Chief executive officer / principal direct phone number

Question Title

* 12. Chief executive officer/principal email address

Question Title

* 13. Name of Accounts Payable contact

Question Title

* 14. Email address of Accounts Payable contact

Question Title

* 15. Organization's Social Media

Section II

Question Title

* 16. Type of Organization (Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 17. How is Your Hospital Licensed?

Question Title

* 18. For calculation of dues, what is your facility’s net operating revenue (NOR), as reported on the line entitled “Total Revenues, Gains, and Other Support” on the most recent Uniform Accounting Report (UAR)?

Net operating revenue should include the summation of net patient revenue, net assets released from restrictions used for operations, other revenue that is earned from sources other than direct patient care (such as cafeteria income and interest income derived from the investment of operating funds), and county, state and local subsidies. If your hospital has newly opened and does not yet have a year's worth of NOR reported on the UAR, please provide budgeted figure.

Question Title

* 19. If applicant is comprised of more than one hospital facility, please list all hospitals within the health system.

Question Title

* 20. Briefly describe your hospital or health system, such as geographic area served, distinct populations served, or other unique aspect.

Question Title

* 21. Does your hospital have a state lobbyist?

Question Title

* 22. Does your hospital have a federal lobbyist?

Question Title

* 23. How did you hear about us?

Question Title

* 24. What do you hope to gain from membership?

Section III - All applications for membership must be reviewed by AzHHA’s president and chief executive officer. AzHHA may, at the sole discretion of its Board of Directors, grant or deny any application for membership and may censure, suspend or expel any member, in conformance with AzHHA’s bylaws.

Question Title

* 25. Electronically sign this application by typing in the full name of the person submitting this application.

Question Title

* 26. Title of person submitting this application

Question Title

* 27. Email address of person submitting this application

Question Title

* 28. Phone number (direct) of person submitting this application

Question Title

* 29. Date
