Below are the top 25 enhancements. Please rate your top 10 enhancements with 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest.

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* 1. Name

Question Title

* 3. Please rank the top 10 enhancements, with 1 being the highest and 10 being the lowest

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Alerts: Add more miscellaneous alerts with different icons
Attendance: Ability to run attendance hours calculation for a single student
Attendance: Provide letter history screen for new absence intervention letter process
Attendance Report: Daily Absence (R307) - Include Total count and total hours for Excused, Unexcused and Tardies if
Student has an Attendance Record for the Selected Day
Contacts: Add "Same as Student Phone" checkbox on Add Contact screen
Contact: Advance Search to have ability to search by all contact phone numbers
Discipline: Discipline Incidents Page to Distinguish Students with a Disability Condition
EMIS/ EZ Query: Add the new 'Latest Third Grade Reading Promotion Status' to EZ Query-Reports-SIS Student Search has a field we can check on the Field Selection-EMIS tab
EZ Query: Add Contacts Flagged as Copied on Correspondence to field selection in EZ Query-Reports - SIS Student Search
Homerooms: Automatically change homeroom assignment when a schedule changes is made on a student
Fees: Able to enter a Note/Description when a fee payment is deleted by user
Medical: Ability to upload student medical documents
Marks Reports: Report Card (R700) to include option to print student absence hours OR student absence days
Marks Reports: Report Card (R700) to generate output for only contacts marked Copied on Correspondence
Marks Reports:Mark Analysis Report (R301) Add the ability to page break by Teacher. Current workaround is to generate a separate report for each teacher
Reports: All reports that have the Excel option in the Report Format dropdown be True Excel reports.
Scheduling: Add Functionality to mass update Courses and Course Sections. (Similar to student profile bulk update)
Scheduling: Button/Option to Reactivate a Student's Schedule when the Student Re-enrolls After Being Withdrawn in the Same School Year
School Year Initialization: Copy school calendars between buildings especially non-attending tabs
Student Profile: Add a different alert or change color of  Custody Alert for when the Alert is Flagged as Critical
Student Profile: If a student changes address, retain former address(es) in a separate screen/field.
Student Transfer: Request for the Student Course History import and attendance history to be separated out from the registration process when transferring a student.
Transcript: Add ability to print immunizations on transcript
Transcript: Add ability to print achievement (OAA or NextGen) test scores on R702
User Interface: Add an Alert or Countdown Functionality to the Application when it is about to Timeout

Question Title

* 4. Optional: Please tell us if there is an enhancement not listed and where you would rank it in in your top 10