AED Service Patient Survey - Surrey Primary Care

Please tell us about your experience with the Surrey Primary Care AED service. All replies will remain confidential. Thank you for your time.
1.Where did you attend your appointment?(Required.)
2.How long have you been waiting for an appointment with the Adult Eating Disorder Service?(Required.)
3.Before you were booked this appointment, did you receive a letter or phone call advising that you would be seen by our service?(Required.)
4.How would you describe your experience when booking your initial appointment?(Required.)
Very Good
5.Is it clear why you are attending these appointments with us?
6.Did you receive clear directions to find our clinic easily?
7.At your appointment, did the Doctor explain what tests would be required and why?
8.Did the Health Care Assistant performing the tests do everything they could to make you feel comfortable?
9.Did the Doctor explain the process for sharing the results of your tests with you?
10.Did you rebook the next appointment at your recent visit?
11.Did you feel your privacy and dignity were respected during the appointment and tests?
12.Do you have any further feedback or comments for our team?